Sunday, October 1, 2017

Every Place You Set Your Foot, Prayer Walking Series: Day 1 - Action

I will give you every place where you set your foot
Joshua 1:3

I love getting out my prayer lists and sitting in my comfy oversized chair in the morning to pray for all God brings my way. But I also realize I need to be out in the world, hitting the streets, to claim my community for Christ. I want to pray for His will to be done here as it is in heaven. And, as Sheila reminded us in the interview last week, I need to see the world around me, up close, in order to do that.

That’s what God told Joshua and the Israelites. They came a long way to get to the Promised Land—through plagues, forty years of desert wandering, learning about God and His ways, sometimes the hard way. And they learned to trust His promises and provision. But when they finally got to the land He had promised to give them, He had to prompt them to go in and take it.

I can relate to that. It’s more comfortable to sit at home and believe in Him. It’s easy to get together with church family and talk about how wonderful God is, and jointly despair over the problems in our community, our nation, and the world we live in. But God calls us to go into all the world and see what He sees, hear what He hears, do what He does. Then we can speak His will over it by the power of the Holy Spirit.

He told Joshua that He would give His people the land—every place they set their feet. That applies to us as well, in the spiritual realm. Where will your feet take you today? Will you listen to God and pray for the needs He shows you? Will you claim your workplace, your neighborhood, the park where your kids play, your church, the bars, marijuana shops, casinos, and “adult” stores? All of these are places where people go to fill the void only God can fill.

He will give us our land if we will claim it. It’s scary. It means being in places where we may not feel comfortable. We will see things that break our heart and hear things that make us angry and tempt us to give up. But keep walking in confidence that God’s presence and His power goes with you as you take each step of faith.

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Romans 12:21

*If you’d like to learn more about Halloween and some possible alternatives for Christians, my book Taking Back October is a terrific resource! Available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle:

#gointoalltheworld #prayerwalking #spiritualwarfare #claimingterritory #halloween #AllSaintsDay #Josh1:3  #Rom12:21

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