Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Comfort, When There Are No Easy Answers

There are days when I feel kind of lost. I know who I am and what I’m supposed to do, but the details of life overwhelm me. I just want to be held. There’s a verse in the book of Zephaniah that does that for me. It holds me with words of comfort and assurance, even when there is no “quick fix” for the issues at hand. It arms me with courage and confidence that God is in control and He cares about me personally.
The following phrases are from Zephaniah 3:17. The comments that follow are from my journal. I hope they minister to you today and bring you comfort and joy in the days ahead.

“The LORD your God is with you”

This is present tense; He’s with you now. Not just in the past when your life was less complicated; not just in some future time when you have relief from these struggles. He is here now. He is with you, in you, above and below you, surrounding you—breathing His Spirit, strength, peace, and inexpressible JOY into your frame.

“He is mighty to save”
These present heartaches are nothing in comparison to His all-encompassing, unlimited power to rescue and save you, and all who call on His name. He is able. He is all-mighty. And He cares for you.

“He will take great delight in you”
You don’t feel delightful in your current state of worry and fear.  But He delights in you anyway, and is committed to an eternity of delighting in you, His child. He could not love you more, because you are His.

“He will quiet you with His love”
Your heart is noisy—fretting over why’s and what if’s as you thrash about in your own storm of doubts. His love is all you need to become quiet. Or perhaps I should say recognizing and accepting His love is what will bring you quiet. You know in your head that He loves you; you’ve heard it for years. But do you know it; really know it in your heart? That knowing is when true peace comes.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27).

“He will rejoice over you with singing”
Does He rejoice because you are perfect, rich and successful, or talented, or beautiful? No, God, your Father, the Lover of your soul, rejoices over you with singing because you have come to Him and nestled into His embrace. You sought Him out in your need, like a child awakening from a nightmare and needing the safety of Him. Or you simply came to be near Him.

He sings to reassure you, calm you, to infuse your heart with light and truth, and because love for you springs from His heart and overflows in song. Feel His touch; listen to His words; savor the vibration of His voice on your spirit as He sings. Lean into Him.

You are loved, so loved, so loved.

Draw strength from the love of the Lord God Almighty and trust in His Son Jesus Christ.

#needahug #comfortfromscripture #doesGodloveme #doesanybodycare

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