Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Thanksgiving Centerpiece

This weekend, the people of North America will celebrate Thanksgiving. They will gather in homes, restaurants, missions, hotel rooms, even outdoors. People all over the world can celebrate Thanksgiving, even if it’s not an official holiday in the country where they live. All of us can claim this day and choose what centerpiece we gather round.  

A centerpiece is usually a festive decoration in the middle of the table. Some people buy or create elaborate arrangements. Some are so big you can’t see around them to visit at the table. Other centerpieces are simple and homemade. But the kind of centerpiece I’m talking about is the focus for the Day.

For many Thanksgiving is all about the wondrous FOOD they plan to prepare and eat. I admit I’m pretty excited about that part. I’m looking forward to delicious ham, stuffing, cheesy potatoes, homemade bread, and a selection of pumpkin, pecan, chocolate, and coconut pie loaded on our plates.

For others, Thanksgiving is all about FALL—a season of fresh crisp air, multi-colored leaves, bountiful harvest, and the aroma of spices in the kitchen. I love fall and all it entails. I welcome the cooler weather and being able to focus more energy indoors and spend time with family for the holidays.

Then of course there are whimsical drawings of turkeys, delicious candy corn, and giggles in the house from kids on break from school. CHILDREN make holidays fun and meaningful—when we teach them what and why we celebrate in life. We tell them about the PILGRIMS who came to North America for religious freedom. They wouldn’t have survived a second winter if native Americans hadn’t taken pity on them. They shared the bounty of their provisions and how to plant and hunt with these strangers from far away.

Getting time off to spend with FAMILY and FRIENDS is a central theme as well. I love my family, and treasure the days we set aside to get together. We talk, sing, walk after our feast, and express gratitude for all the blessings from the past year.

Which brings me to the true centerpiece of Thanksgiving—A Day of GRATITUDE TO GOD for All He Has Provided. Thanksgiving is a reminder that all we are and all we have is not by our own doing, but by His gracious and generous hand. We can’t make it rain or heal the sick; we can’t mend broken people or give hope to the hopeless. Instead, we look to God for all these things.

The United States made a Thanksgiving Proclamation on October 3, 1789 which says in part: “It is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor.” There is no more beautiful centerpiece than gratitude, humility, and an expression of dependence on the One who made us. He breathes life into our bodies and gives meaning to our days.

I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving! May Jesus be the center of your day and the deepest joy of your heart.

#Thanksgiving #tabledecoration #holidayfocus #whatdowecelebrate

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Dark Days Get Me Down

My friends and I got together and talked about the short, dark days of winter. Three out of four of us tend to get a little down. And we’re not the only ones. Even celebrating holidays with people you love is not enough to ward off occasional melancholy. How can we combat these feelings and not sink in a mire of sadness?

Since I struggle with this every winter to some degree, I’ve learned a few things. Here’s what helps me:

Bring in the light: Open drapes, turn on lights, and light candles to lift your spirits. 

Resist the urge to overeat: Yes, I know I’m saying this one week before Thanksgiving. And I’m saying it to myself first! This is a huge temptation during the winter months—warm baked cookies sound better than ever this time of year. But overeating will make you sluggish and the drop from a sugar high can spiral into depression.

Get outside: Even on overcast days, crisp outside air can lift your spirits. Walks in the rain can be fun and adventurous, especially if the wind is blowing. Splashing in mud puddles, raking leaves, night walks to see the stars, and playing in the snow are great ways to get fresh oxygen and boost your mood.

Invite relationship: Even if you’re around people all day at work or home, you can still feel isolated. Purposefully connect with upbeat people you want to know better—meet for coffee, invite someone over to watch a Christmas movie, or plan a walk together.

Add color: Gray days can seep into our bones. Fight back by adding splashes of color to your work station, home décor, and what you wear. 

Choose music wisely: What might be soothing and energizing one day might be depressing or jarring another. Even upbeat Christmas music can wear after a while. Consider taking a break from the noise and breathe in silence, or limit music to times when you can savor it. 

Boost your system naturally: Instead of coffee, sugar, and pop, try essential oils (citrus, lavender, and spicy scents to calm and uplift) or mood enhancing nutritional supplements. 

Hibernate: This may sound contradictory, but studies show our bodies actually need more rest during the winter months. It’s God’s way of giving us a break from busy summer activities. So snuggle into bed early, or take a guilt-free nap on the weekend so you can begin the new day or week rested and refreshed.

Of course, the best way to combat the darkness is to open yourself up to God’s Light. Start every day reading His Word. You can even sign up to receive daily Bible verses via email or on your phone. 

Here are four ways to get more of His light in our lives:

1    1. Follow the light: When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

Each of us has a choice—follow the light or succumb to the darkness. Jesus, the light of the world, came to shine on us. If we choose to follow Him, He will light the way.

2   2.  Position yourself in the light: “I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.” John 12:46

Even as a follower of Jesus Christ, I can fall into gloomy moods and negative thoughts. But I don’t have to stay there.

3    3. Trust the light: We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. 2 Pet. 1:19

We know the sun will come up every morning (even if it’s hidden by clouds). Prophecies throughout scripture foretold Jesus’ coming, death, resurrection, and His second coming. Three of the four have happened just as God said they would. His Word, like the sun, is reliable. Knowing God is trustworthy gives us hope on the darkest days. And soon His day will dawn when there will be no more night.

4    4. Declare the light: This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. 1 John 1:5

The best way to brighten any day is to talk about the joy and freedom Jesus gives us. He is light. He is life. And in Him we have hope for an eternity of sunshine.

#helpfordepression #lightindarkness #curesforwinterblues #letthelightshine

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

The Job Never Ends

I raked leaves yesterday, like every week for the last month. How is it I can fill the garbage can and several trash bags every time, yet there are still leaves on the trees? Kind of like the vacuum cleaner mystery—with so much long blonde hair tightly wound around the roller every week, how can I still have any hair?

Sadly, after two hours of raking yesterday, our yard is already littered with freshly fallen leaves. (I couldn’t bear to look yesterday afternoon.) It never seems to end! In fact, as I was raking I thought of the catchy/annoying song my girls and I learned long ago on Lamb Chops. “This is the song that never ends…” This song, I have found, comes to mind at the oddest times, yet amused me on this occasion. Leaf raking is indeed a job that never seems to end.

Maybe you’re struggling with another kind of job that seems to go on forever:

  • parenting a strong-willed child
  • being kind to a crabby spouse or co-worker
  • showing up for a job you don’t like
  • praying for a child who has turned away
  • reaching out with the life-giving message of Christ with no response
It’s exhausting to do the same things over and over when there’s no noticeable improvement or hope for a change. The leaves keep falling, your child continues to throw tantrums, people gripe and complain despite your best efforts, your heart aches for your beloved one, and the people you share with show no desire to know Christ.

But seasons change. Fall turns to winter and our raking is done for a while. Circumstances change. You find a new job; your child grows up and learns self-control; God reaches the ones you love in ways you’d never expect.

Until these things happen, don’t give up. Keep loving, praying, speaking, reaching out, showing up, and doing what is right—even when it looks hopeless. You never know what’s just around the bend; what the next wave will bring ashore. 

God sees our faithfulness, even when we don’t feel like we’re making any progress. When we do the work we grow, and God-seeds flourish in places we might never suspect. “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers” (Gal. 6:9-10).

Also, don’t forget to enjoy the beauty of process. I knew my raking chore wasn’t over even as I labored yesterday, but there was still pleasure in the effort. It was nice to be outside breathing fresh air, getting exercise, caring for our home. And the leaves! Moisture from recent rains deepened their color. They were different shapes and sizes; speckled, pointed, and curled. Taking a closer look filled me with wonder for our Creator.

Your never-ending job is no different. There’s beauty in it, if you look closely. And the more you see God there, the easier it will be for you to show up and give your all. The people you touch are so much more amazing than leaves.

Thank you for being faithful in repeated efforts. There will be a reward in all you do for Christ, if you don’t give up.

#areyouweary #dotheyevergrowup #neverends #worththeeffort #Galatians6